New book! Publishing, Editing, and Reception: Essays in Honor of Donald H. Reiman

Publishing, Editing, and Reception: Essays in Honor of Donald H. Reiman

Edited by Michael Edson

Table of Contents:


INTRODUCTION by Michael Edson

Part 1: Romantic Publishing and Print Culture

  1. Byron’s House of Murray

Hermione de Almeida

  1. Hazlitt and Byron: With a New Look at The Liberal

Charles E. Robinson

  1. Mocking Monuments: The Regent’s Bomb, Satire, and Authority

Steven E. Jones

Part 2: New Perspectives on the Shelleys

  1.  A Defence of Poetry and Adonais: Configurations

Stuart Curran

  1. Bound by Such a Chain: Shelley and Rhyme

Michael O’Neill

  1. Reading Aloud in the Shelley Circle

Timothy Webb

Part 3: Romantic Bards and Modern Editors

  1. Indeterminacy and Method: Editing Byron’s Accidentals

Alice Levine

  1. Getting Beyond “Mere Chatter about Shelley”

David Greetham

  1.  “Editing Shelley” Again

Neil Fraistat

Part 4: Shelley’s Afterlives

  1. Lady Shelley Trims the Flame

B. C. Barker-Benfield

  1. A Committee of One: Shelley’s Preemptive Self-Censorships in the Draft Manuscripts of Laon and Cythna and Legal Censorship of the Press

Michael J. Neth

  1. Shelley as Sussex Gentleman and Wild Motorist: The Strange Case of Kipling and Prometheus Unbound

Nora Crook

The Eleventh Leslie A. Marchand Memorial Lecture–by Julia Markus: Friday, October 16, 2015

The Byron Society of America Presents

The Eleventh Leslie A. Marchand Memorial Lecture

In Partnership with the Fordham Romanticism Group

Julia Markus

Author of Lady Byron and Her Daughters

Director of Creative Writing at Hofstra University

will speak on

Celebrating Lady Byron’s Life and Ada Lovelace’s Day 

Friday, October 16, 2015

5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus

South Lounge

Event Details:

Wine and Cheese Reception: 5:00 – 6:00 P.M.

Lecture:  6:00 – 7:00 P.M.

Book Signing:  7:00 – 7:30 P.M.


RSVP by October 12, 2015, to John Bugg,

Please indicate whether you will be attending:

Reception Only

Lecture Only

Lecture and Reception

Directions to the South Lounge: Enter Fordham by the main entrance at 60th and Columbus.  The South Lounge is on the Plaza Level, up one flight of escalators just beyond the cafeteria.

The Death of Peter Cochran

It is with great sadness and fond memories that the Byron Society of America recognizes the death of Peter Cochran, one of the most visible and influential Byron scholars of the past decades. The author and editor of numerous books on Byron and his circle, Peter was also a generous supporter of younger scholars, a formidable interlocutor on all matters of Regency life and letters, a loyal attendee of the International Byron Conferences, and a great storyteller, singer, and actor. He will be sorely missed by all of us.



A Letter from Peter’s Daughters, Abi and Emily:

 May 21, 2015

Dear Loved ones and Friends of Peter,

Our adorable dad Peter sadly but quite wonderfully died last night. It was as though he’d written and directed the whole scene in advance.

He had a brain hemorrhage on Monday morning, the Doctors said he’d probably just last a few hours. 60 hours later he finally expired.

He was unresponsive and barely moving apart from a labored breath, it seemed unlikely he could hear us or was aware of anything. We stayed with him almost the whole time and talked to him occasionally regardless. We played him poetry and music that we knew he loved.

On Wednesday evening we were exhausted and distressed. After a day of playing him the Ring Cycle (his favourite 9 hour opera) we decided to read him highlights from the large pile of messages and cards he’d been sent over the past couple of weeks. We told him how much he was appreciated and loved, how many people had been grateful for all his work, teachings, writing and help over the years – signs of a life well lived. That all the people he’d inspired with his love of drama and literature would go on to inspire others, that he’d live on in all his writing and his grandchildren who loved him too.

We put his headphones back on and noticed his eyes had welled up.
We told him again how much he was loved, that it was ok to let go now, not to worry about anything, that we’d look after each other and take care of his work. Just a moment later his breathing slowed dramatically and then stopped.

We are still stunned and the strength of his spirit, to hold on so long, and to let go at will. We’ve been deeply grateful for the messages sent from all over the world in these past days – it has been a great comfort to all of us to know how loved he was.

Feel free to share your memories of him, we’ll be adding photos and recent work to his website. Please feel free to share this message with friends of Peter.

We’ll be planning a memorial service in the coming months.

Thanks and Warm wishes,

Abi and Emily Cochran

A Lost Portrait of the Young Lord Byron

The Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle at the NYPL has recently acquired a photograph of a lost painting of the young Lord Byron, allegedly painted by the well-known portraitist Sir Henry Raeburn in 1805, when the poet at 17 years old.

The painting was seen briefly in the 1890s and was sold for $2000 in the early twentieth century to an anonymous buyer (via the dealer William Clausen, in the Salvador de Mendonca sale). It has since disappeared from view. This photograph, which was discovered in an album of Byroniana acquired by the Pforzheimer in 2014, is now our best witness to this compelling lost portrait of Lord Byron.

When he sat for this portrait, Byron would have just finished his term at Harrow or perhaps begun his studies at Trinity College, Cambridge.  He had become Lord Byron in 1798, but his poetic career was still ahead of him at this point. One sees the recognizable high forehead, curly hair, and wide collar that would become part of the signature Byronic look.

Some have cast doubt on the authenticity of the painting, as no record of Byron sitting for Raeburn seems to exist. However, Raeburn did paint a picture of the wife of Byron’s godfather, Mrs. Robert Duff, around this time.  Anyone with more information about the painting is encouraged to contact us.






A rather poor copy of the painting was published in Byron the Poet, ed. Walter A. Briscoe (London, 1924):





It was also imperfectly copied for Munsey’s Magazine 17 (p. 332), as part of a report on the Mendonca sale of Byron relics.



Byron Society-sponsored panel at NASSR 2015: “Lord Byron and Rights,” August 13-16, 2015

NASSR 2015
August 13-16
University of Manitoba / University of Winnipeg
Special Session: Lord Byron and Rights
Organizer and chair: Alexander Grammatikos (Carleton University)
Joselyn Almeida-Beveridge (University of Massachusetts, Amherst), “After ‘The Rubicon of Man’s Awakened Rights’: War, Debt, and the Rights of Nations in Byron’s The Age of Bronze (1823)”
Mark Lounibos (Finlandia University), “The Rights of Things in Byron’s Cain, or Hell as Hyperobject
Jacob Hughes (The Pennsylvania State University), “Byron and the Right to Be Wrong”

Reminder: Student Travel Grants (March 1 deadline)

Each year, the BSA underwrites a travel grants program for graduate students with scholarly interests in Byron. The Society offers up to four small grants to help students attend conferences at which they will deliver papers on Byron, with priority given to students presenting at the International Byron Conference, followed by students presenting at the International Student Byron Conference in Messolonghi, Greece. Although preference will be given to citizens of the United States and Canada, citizens of other countries who are enrolled in universities in the United States or Canada are also eligible to apply. A student who receives an offer of funding must be a member of the Byron Society of America before the grant will be awarded.

Click HERE for more information.

The Leslie Marchand Lecture Series: Charles E. Robinson, “Byron and Hazlitt: Inclining Their Ears Towards Each Other”

The Leslie Marchand Lecture Series

“Byron and Hazlitt: Inclining Their Ears Towards Each Other”

Charles E. Robinson
University of Delaware

March 13, 2015
5:00 pm
CUNY Graduate Center
365 5th Avenue
New York, NY
Room 5318

Byron and Hazlitt never met, but they certainly heard and read what the one said or wrote about the other. This talk will explore the two writers’ literary relationships, including their participation in the short-lived The Liberal (1822-1823) and the connections between Hazlitt’s Liber Amoris and Byron’s Don Juan.


Charles E. Robinson is an Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Delaware, and has served as the Executive Director of The Byron Society of America and as co-chair of the Byron Society Collection. During his career, he has published primarily on Byron and Percy Shelley and Mary Shelley and William Hazlitt. His books include Shelley and Byron (1976), Mary Shelley: Collected Tales and Stories (1976), Byron and His Contemporaries (1982), William Hazlitt: Twenty-Seven New Letters (1987), The Mary Shelley Reader (1990), The Frankenstein Notebooks (1996), and The Original Frankenstein (2008; 2009). He is currently editing The Complete Letters of William Hazlitt—and still hopes to return to his Charles Ollier book.

BSA @ NASSR 2015: “Byron and Rights”


Special Byron Society of America session at the 2015 NASSR Conference:

Alexander Grammatikos, organizer:

“Lord Byron and Rights”
Description: Special Session Sponsored by The Byron Society of America
Lord Byron was a passionate and life-long defender of people’s rights. In the House of Lords he argued for the right of Catholics to be represented in parliament; in his personal correspondence he supported writers’ claims to copyright over their own works; and in a decision that led to his death, he travelled to Greece to help the Greeks realize their right to become an independent nation. His preoccupation with rights extended to his poetic works, too. For example, in Sardanapalus, the misguided but well-meaning titular leader laments “To me war is no glory—conquest no / Renown. To be forced thus to uphold my right / Sits heavier on my heart than all the wrongs / These men would bow me down with” ( Here, in but just one example from Byron’s oeuvre, the poet demonstrates his keen understanding of the often relative nature of “rights” (for a king to retain his, he required war and conquest) and the personal price one had to pay to uphold them.

Complementing NASSR’s broader theme of “Romanticism and Rights,” we invite proposals that consider Byron’s engagement with “rights.” Submissions may include, but are not limited to:

Byron and the right to freedom of religion
Byron and the right to national independence
Byron and animal rights
Byron and authorial rights
Byron and the right to sexual and gender expression
Byron and the right to freedom of speech
Byron and the rights of the disenfranchised and poor
Byron and Eastern rights
Byron and female rights

Deadline for all submissions: January 17, 2015.

Please send all proposals, including those to be considered by the leaders of special sessions, a brief CV, and direct questions to the NASSR 2015 conference organizers, Peter Melville (The University of Winnipeg) and Michelle Faubert (University of Manitoba) at

CFP: “Byron & the Bible” Conference at Newstead Abbey, 1-2 May 2015

Call for Papers

Conference on “Byron & the Bible” at Newstead Abbey1-2 May 2015

Plenary speaker: Gavin Hopps (St Andrews)

Meeting on the premises of Newstead Abbey for the second time after the success of “Byron at Home” last year, this conference continues the long-standing tradition of international May gatherings of Byronists in the UK.

Encouraging a wide variety of approaches, it seeks to explore the ways in which the Bible and Biblical topics are treated and reflected in Byron’s texts, as well as finding new ways of discussing Byron’s complex relationship to God, religion, faith, atheism/secularism, sectarian doctrine/belief, scriptural ‘history’ and many other subjects.

Papers may address, but are not limited to, the following topics:

Byron and Catholicism; Byron and Calvinism; Byron and Judaism; Byron and Islam; Byron and the Old Testament; Byron and the New Testament; Byron and belief; Byron and Christ; Byron and individual Biblical characters; Byron and prophecy; Byron and faith; Byron and sacrifice; Byron and grace; Byron and spirituality; Byronic irreverence; Byron and religious tradition.

Please submit abstracts of no more than 300 words to Dr Mirka Horova at by 15 January 2015.

There will be a talk and dinner on the evening of Friday 1 May at the 281 Restaurant & Rooms hotel in Mansfield.

The conference will take place on Saturday, 2 May, approx. 10.00 – 5.00.

More details at:

CFP: 2015 International Byron Conference in Gdansk, Poland

The 2015 International Byron Conference will be held in Gdansk, Poland on July 1-6. This year’s theme is “Reality, Fiction, and Madness,” and paper proposals are being accepted now until January 1, 2015.

Professor Mirka Modrzewska has sent this information:

Our team are currently working on the provisional price list and we are considering the conference fee of 150 euro which will cover:

  • opening banquet (July 1st, 2015)
  • 5 lunches
  • 8 coffee breakes
  • 2 concerts

Other costs, optional, would be:

  1. A trip to Malbork, Teutonic Castle plus dinner 40 euro (July 3rd, after lunch)
  2. Old City of Gdansk sightseeing tour plus Solidarity Museum 12 euro (July 5th, after lunch)
  3. Gala Dinner in Sopot Grand Hotel 35 euro (July 6th)
  4. A choice of 3 optional trips on July 7th after the conference: Kashubian Lake District, Elblag Canal ship voyage along a system of unique locks powered by water placed at different levels – an engeneering wonder unique in the world ( see ), or Stuthoff Concentration Camp Museum if people wish to see it – costs still need to be calculated).

If you wish to participate in the optional trip on July 7th, please book your hotel till the next day (July 8th).

Prof. UG, dr hab. Mirosława Modrzewska
Uniwersytet Gdański
Instytut Anglistyki i Amerykanistyki
ul. Wita Stwosza 55
80-952 Gdańsk Oliwa