The Geneva Summer – Romantic Bicentennial Symposium 2016 (Saturday, May 21 @ 10:15 am – 5:00 pm)

An event co-sponsored by the Byron Society of America and the Keats-Shelley Association of America in the Trustees Room of the New York Public Library

The summer of 1816 witnessed one of the great collaborative convergences of English literary history, as Percy Shelley, Mary Godwin, and Lord Byron met at the Villa Diodati near Geneva and produced some of the most enduring work of the Romantic era, including Frankenstein.

Speakers (including Gillen D’Arcy Wood, Jonathan Sachs, Madeleine Callaghan, Jerrold Hogle, and Anne Mellor) will discuss the Shelley-Byron relationship, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the global contexts for the Geneva Summer, including the importance of the volcanic eruption in Indonesia that produced the punctuated climate change of the “year without a summer.” The symposium will conclude with a moderated roundtable discussion of the still vital and ongoing cultural reception of the 1816 summer and its literary productions.

For more details about the program and to register (free but required), please visit the Romantic Bicentennials website:

Byron and Austen: Together Again (Drew University, 21 April 2016)


Please consider attending this exciting event next month. Direct questions to Dr. Robin Hammerman of Stevens Institute of Technology (


Thursday, April 21, 2016

4:00 to 9:00 P.M.

Drew University Library, in collaboration with the Jane Austen Society of North America/New York Metropolitan Region and the Byron Society of America, invites you to continue the exploration of this most elegant pairing of antipodal Romantic writers at the Drew University Library, home of the Byron Society Collection. This mini-conference will continue the conversation begun at the 2008 “Austen and Byron: Together at Last” conference held in New York City.

For both specialists and general readers of Austen and Byron, the occasion celebrates this year’s multiple focus within Romantic circles on the signal year of 1816—the year Byron’s Childe Harold III was published and Austen began writing Persuasion. From a general conversation on Persuasion to a special lecture by noted Romanticist Rachel Brownstein of Brooklyn College, this mini-conference will also radiate out to touch on conflicting forces in “The Spirit of the Age” that Austen and Byron clearly represent in the Regency years 1812-1818. Byronists and Janeites will likewise enjoy a special showcase of selected items from Drew University Library’s Byron Society Collection and items from the splendid Jane Austen Collection on loan for this occasion from Goucher College Special Collections & Archives. Specially conducted tours of the United Methodist Archives and History Center, home of Drew University Library Special Collections will complement the day’s events.

4:00-4:15 p.m. Welcome (Chris Anderson, Head of Special Collections and University Archives, and Marsha Manns, Co-Founder of the Byron Society Collection.

4:14-5:30 p.m. Discussion led by Robert Ready, Dean of the Caspersen School of Graduate Studies, on Austen’s Persuasion. Selected materials from the Byron Society Collection and the Austen collection at Goucher will be available for examination by discussion participants.

5:30-6:00 p.m. Coffee/tea/cake break and viewing of special exhibition of related materials from

Drew’s Byron Society Collection and Goucher’s Austen materials on loan for the event.

6:00-7:00 p.m. Lecture by Rachel Brownstein, Brooklyn College.

“Austen and Byron: Literary Taste and Judgment”

Rachel M. Brownstein has taught at the City University of New York since 1973. She is the author of three books: Becoming a Heroine: Reading about Women in Novels (1982),Tragic Muse: Rachel of the Comedie-Francaise (1995), and Why Jane Austen? (2011).
7:15-9:00 p.m. Substantial wine and hors d’oeuvre reception and tours of the Special Collection Library.

All events take place in the United Methodist Archives Building.

Participants may register for the entire—or selected portions—of the event.

Please visit the event webpage:

Transportation to the Drew campus for those travelling between New York/Penn Station and Madison train station via. New Jersey Transit will be provided by shuttle bus according to the following schedule:

Trains arriving to Madison from NY Penn Station will be met by shuttle bus to transport attendees to the Drew campus at 3:33 pm and at 5:35 pm. The bus to transport attendees to the Madison train station from Drew will depart at 8:30 pm for the 8:54 train to NY Penn Station.

Byron Society Panel at MLA 2016 (Austin, TX): Byron & America

The convention is 7-10 January, 2o16, in Austin, TX. The panel will take place 12 PM to 1:15 PM on Friday, 8 January, in Room 7 of the Austin Convention Center.
Panel: # 311 Byron and America
Moderator:  Noah Comet, United States Naval Academy
1)  “Black Byronism.”  Matt Sandler, Columbia University
2)  “Byron and the Yellowstone Frontier.”  Noah Comet, US Naval Academy
3)  “Byron as Greek Ambassador—to America.”  William Keach, Brown University
4)  “Specters of Byron in 19th-century America.”  Susan Wolfson, Princeton University

The Eleventh Leslie A. Marchand Memorial Lecture–by Julia Markus: Friday, October 16, 2015

The Byron Society of America Presents

The Eleventh Leslie A. Marchand Memorial Lecture

In Partnership with the Fordham Romanticism Group

Julia Markus

Author of Lady Byron and Her Daughters

Director of Creative Writing at Hofstra University

will speak on

Celebrating Lady Byron’s Life and Ada Lovelace’s Day 

Friday, October 16, 2015

5:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Fordham University, Lincoln Center Campus

South Lounge

Event Details:

Wine and Cheese Reception: 5:00 – 6:00 P.M.

Lecture:  6:00 – 7:00 P.M.

Book Signing:  7:00 – 7:30 P.M.


RSVP by October 12, 2015, to John Bugg,

Please indicate whether you will be attending:

Reception Only

Lecture Only

Lecture and Reception

Directions to the South Lounge: Enter Fordham by the main entrance at 60th and Columbus.  The South Lounge is on the Plaza Level, up one flight of escalators just beyond the cafeteria.

The Leslie Marchand Lecture Series: Charles E. Robinson, “Byron and Hazlitt: Inclining Their Ears Towards Each Other”

The Leslie Marchand Lecture Series

“Byron and Hazlitt: Inclining Their Ears Towards Each Other”

Charles E. Robinson
University of Delaware

March 13, 2015
5:00 pm
CUNY Graduate Center
365 5th Avenue
New York, NY
Room 5318

Byron and Hazlitt never met, but they certainly heard and read what the one said or wrote about the other. This talk will explore the two writers’ literary relationships, including their participation in the short-lived The Liberal (1822-1823) and the connections between Hazlitt’s Liber Amoris and Byron’s Don Juan.


Charles E. Robinson is an Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Delaware, and has served as the Executive Director of The Byron Society of America and as co-chair of the Byron Society Collection. During his career, he has published primarily on Byron and Percy Shelley and Mary Shelley and William Hazlitt. His books include Shelley and Byron (1976), Mary Shelley: Collected Tales and Stories (1976), Byron and His Contemporaries (1982), William Hazlitt: Twenty-Seven New Letters (1987), The Mary Shelley Reader (1990), The Frankenstein Notebooks (1996), and The Original Frankenstein (2008; 2009). He is currently editing The Complete Letters of William Hazlitt—and still hopes to return to his Charles Ollier book.

BSA @ NASSR 2015: “Byron and Rights”


Special Byron Society of America session at the 2015 NASSR Conference:

Alexander Grammatikos, organizer:

“Lord Byron and Rights”
Description: Special Session Sponsored by The Byron Society of America
Lord Byron was a passionate and life-long defender of people’s rights. In the House of Lords he argued for the right of Catholics to be represented in parliament; in his personal correspondence he supported writers’ claims to copyright over their own works; and in a decision that led to his death, he travelled to Greece to help the Greeks realize their right to become an independent nation. His preoccupation with rights extended to his poetic works, too. For example, in Sardanapalus, the misguided but well-meaning titular leader laments “To me war is no glory—conquest no / Renown. To be forced thus to uphold my right / Sits heavier on my heart than all the wrongs / These men would bow me down with” ( Here, in but just one example from Byron’s oeuvre, the poet demonstrates his keen understanding of the often relative nature of “rights” (for a king to retain his, he required war and conquest) and the personal price one had to pay to uphold them.

Complementing NASSR’s broader theme of “Romanticism and Rights,” we invite proposals that consider Byron’s engagement with “rights.” Submissions may include, but are not limited to:

Byron and the right to freedom of religion
Byron and the right to national independence
Byron and animal rights
Byron and authorial rights
Byron and the right to sexual and gender expression
Byron and the right to freedom of speech
Byron and the rights of the disenfranchised and poor
Byron and Eastern rights
Byron and female rights

Deadline for all submissions: January 17, 2015.

Please send all proposals, including those to be considered by the leaders of special sessions, a brief CV, and direct questions to the NASSR 2015 conference organizers, Peter Melville (The University of Winnipeg) and Michelle Faubert (University of Manitoba) at

CFP: 2015 International Byron Conference in Gdansk, Poland

The 2015 International Byron Conference will be held in Gdansk, Poland on July 1-6. This year’s theme is “Reality, Fiction, and Madness,” and paper proposals are being accepted now until January 1, 2015.

Professor Mirka Modrzewska has sent this information:

Our team are currently working on the provisional price list and we are considering the conference fee of 150 euro which will cover:

  • opening banquet (July 1st, 2015)
  • 5 lunches
  • 8 coffee breakes
  • 2 concerts

Other costs, optional, would be:

  1. A trip to Malbork, Teutonic Castle plus dinner 40 euro (July 3rd, after lunch)
  2. Old City of Gdansk sightseeing tour plus Solidarity Museum 12 euro (July 5th, after lunch)
  3. Gala Dinner in Sopot Grand Hotel 35 euro (July 6th)
  4. A choice of 3 optional trips on July 7th after the conference: Kashubian Lake District, Elblag Canal ship voyage along a system of unique locks powered by water placed at different levels – an engeneering wonder unique in the world ( see ), or Stuthoff Concentration Camp Museum if people wish to see it – costs still need to be calculated).

If you wish to participate in the optional trip on July 7th, please book your hotel till the next day (July 8th).

Prof. UG, dr hab. Mirosława Modrzewska
Uniwersytet Gdański
Instytut Anglistyki i Amerykanistyki
ul. Wita Stwosza 55
80-952 Gdańsk Oliwa

BSA at SAMLA: “Creating and Sustaining Byron” (November 8th, Atlanta)

The BSA is sponsoring the follow panel at the annual South Atlantic Modern Language Association convention in Atlanta Georgia (with thanks to Lindsey Eckert at Georgia State University for organizing!):


Saturday, November 8th  – 8:00 AM
Chair: Lindsey Eckert, Georgia State University

1. From the Ashes: Byron’s Memoirs and Moore’s Reconstruction of Byron – Jeffery Vail, Boston University

2. Evolving Attitudes Toward the Byronic Hero: From Childe Harold to Rochester – Samantha Crain, San Jose State University

3. Creating Modern Adventure: The Byronic Hero in the Romance Revival of the 1880s – Michael Jones, University of Connecticut

CFP: “Byron and Italy,” The Byron Centre, Manchester UK (Dec. 4-5, 2014)

Call for papers

 ‘Byron and Italy’


The Byron Centre

University of Manchester

Thursday 4 – Friday 5 December 2014 


The Byron Centre at the University of Manchester, in collaboration with the Centro Interuniversitario per lo Studio del Romanticismo at the University of Parma, invites paper proposals for an interdisciplinary conference on the topic of ‘Byron and Italy’, to be held at the University of Manchester, 4-5 December 2014. Papers are welcome from any disciplinary perspective that opens up new approaches to, or offers new insights into, any aspect of the conference theme, including, for example:


  • Byron and the Italian poets (Dante, Tasso, Ariosto, Pulci, Casti …);
  • Byron and Alfieri;
  • Byron and Rome / Venice / Ravenna / Pisa / Milan …;
  • Byron and the idea of Italy;
  • Byron and Italian landscapes/cityscapes;
  • Byron’s (self-)Italianisation;
  • Byron’s relationships with Italians;
  • Byron and Catholicism;
  • Byron and the Carbonari / the Risorgimento / Italy as a nation;
  • Byron and the Austrians in Italy;
  • Byron and Italian art;
  • Byron and Italian history;
  • Byron and the dialectics of Italian antiquity and modernity;
  • Byron’s relation to other British/continental writers on Italy;
  • Byron’s Italianised relations with Britain;
  • Byron and the Italian language;
  • Byron’s influence on Italian culture.



Please email abstracts of 250 words maximum to The Byron Centre’s Director, Dr Alan Rawes (, by 15 September 2014.