Call for Papers: 45th International Byron Conference (University of Vechta, Germany)

The International Association of Byron Studies has announced details for the 45th International Byron Conference, “Transgressive Romanticism: Boundaries, Limits and Taboos”. The conference will be held at the University of Vechta in Germany from 4-8 September, 2019.

CFP deadline: 15 November 2018

For more information, see: “Transgressive Romanticism: Boundaries, Limits and Taboos”



Talk and Exhibition on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein at Drew University, 10/23/18

 Drew University Special Collections 

Invites you to Celebrate the 

Bicentennial of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein 

Tuesday, October 23 

Doors: 4 pm 

Talk: 4:30 pm 

Featuring a talk by 

Stuart Curran, 

Vartan Gregorian Professor of 

English, Emeritus 

University of Pennsylvania 


Mary Shelley, Betty Bennett, and Frankenstein 

Followed by wine and cheese reception 

Accompanied by a new exhibition: 

“What terrified me shall terrify others”: 200 Years of Shelley’s Frankenstein 

This exhibit, curated by Head of Special Collections Brian Shetler and Special Collections Associate Candace Reilly, highlights the impact Mary Shelley’s novel has made on literature, society, and culture. Featuring materials from Drew University’s Special Collections, including rare books, manuscripts, comics, objects, and extensive works from the Betty T. Bennett archives located within the Byron Society Collection. This selection of material inspired by Frankenstein’s monster brings to life Shelley’s novel in a haunting and riveting way! 


United Methodist Archives and History Center

Drew University

36 Madison Avenue

Madison, NJ 07940

Please send RSVP to

BSA roundtable at MLA Chicago (1/4/19): “1819 in 2019”

On January 4, 2019, the Byron Society of America will sponsor is forty-sixth annual regular session, “1819 in 2019,” at the Modern Languages Association convention, to be held in Chicago. Here are the details:

1819 in 2019
Session # 365: FRIDAY, 4 JANUARY

5:15 PM-6:30 PM

Columbus G (Hyatt Regency Chicago)

Participants will discuss the relevance of 1819 for our contemporary moment, where 1819 refers both to the events of that year and to James Chandler’s foundational work, England in 1819.

Jonathan Sachs (Concordia U, Montreal)

James Chandler (U of Chicago)

Ian Duncan (U of California, Berkeley)
Amanda Jo Goldstein (U of California, Berkeley)
Deidre Lynch (Harvard U)
Josephine McDonagh (U of Chicago)
Jerome J. McGann (U of Virginia)

A Celebration of the Life and Legacy of Leslie A. Marchand (Drew University, Nov. 2, 2017)

A Celebration of the Life and Legacy of  Leslie A. Marchand

Thursday, November 2, 2017, 4:30 p.m.

Drew University Library, United Methodist Archives and History Center,

Madison, New Jersey



The Thirteenth Leslie A. Marchand Memorial Lecture


Hermione de Almeida

Walter Professor Emerita of English and Comparative Literature,

The University of Tulsa

“Fluid Dynamics:  Evolutionary Physics in Byron”


Accompanied by

 A Showcase Exhibition of Leslie Marchand’s Papers and Ephemera


And the book launch for                 

 Leslie A. Marchand Memorial Lectures 2000-2015: A Legacy in Byron Studies, ed. Katherine Kernberger



Event Details:

Wine and Hors d’oeuvres Reception: 4:30-5:00 p.m., 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Marchand Showcase Exhibition:  4:30-5:00 p.m., 6:00-8:00 p.m., with remarks by the Special Collections staff

Lecture:  5:00 – 6:00 P.M.

Book Signing:  6:00 – 7:30 P.M.

Tours of the Byron Society Collection


RSVP by October 20, 2017 to Brian Shetler,, or call 973-408-3910


Directions to Drew University Library.  From New York City: Take NJ Transit from Penn Station to Madison, NJ.  The campus is a short cab ride from the train station. (Try Travelers Taxi at 973-908-9799.) Driving directions are available on the Drew website: For hotel

accommodations, call the Madison Hotel at 1-800-526-0729 and ask for the Drew rate.

Byron Society of America at MLA 2018, NYC

The Byron Society of America will sponsor its forty-fifth annual session at this year’s Modern Language Association Convention in January in New York City. Session details are as follows:

Session 270: “Byron and Politics: A roundtable discussion”

Friday, 5 January 2018, 10:15 AM-11:30 AM

Presiding: Jack Wasserman, (independent scholar and longstanding Board Member of the BSA)

Roundtable participants:

Jonathan Gross (DePaul)

Piya Pal-Lapinski (Bowling Green State)

Andrew Warren (Harvard)

The participants will explore the life and works of Lord Byron in relation to the politics of his own time and ours, with emphasis on the Congress of Vienna and the future of Europe, and discuss how Byron‘s political writings and personal engagements impacted European culture, politics, and art in the post-Napoleonic context. Part of Romantic Bicentennials (, the session will engage the long legacy of Romanticism.

BSA at MLA 2017: Byron and Consumption

The Byron Society of America’s panel at January’s MLA convention in Philadelphia is entitled “Byron and Consumption.” Professor Ghislaine McDayter of Bucknell University will preside. See details of the four-speaker lineup here:

The panel will convene on Friday, 6 January, 8:30–9:45 a.m., in room 106B of the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Please consider attending.

Byron & Austen: Together Again

Read about the recent (21 April 2016) event, joint with the Jane Austen Society of North America, held amid Drew University Library’s Byron Society Collection, featuring Byronists Rachel Brownstein, Marsha Manns, and Robert Ready: (p. 8 of the PDF; reproduced below). More information here: Report on JASNA & BSA’s previous (2008) Byron-Austen event, “Byron & Austen: Together At Last,” here: (pp. 7-10 of the PDF).
