CFP of interest to Byronists

Please know that The Byron Society of America, an affiliate organization of The College English Association, has one guaranteed panel at the CEA’s annual conference. Details regarding the general 2017 CFP (including conference dates, location, and submissions link) appear below. Proposals are submitted electronically through a general CEA conference mechanism. Kindly email Robin Hammerman ( directly with points of interest and/or inquiries – doing so will assure that your submitted proposal receives special attention.

The CEA 2017 conference theme is “Islands.” Byronists will note this unique opportunity to examine any variation on the theme of “Byron and Islands” including but not limited to the following: poems including The Island and The Prisoner of Chillon; figurations including Don Juan and the Isles of Greece or Childe Harold of “Albion’s Isle”; Byron’s voyages to islands such as Kefalonia or his connection to islands such as San Lazzarro degli Armeni and Lido di Venezia; Byron as Castaway. Kindly note that I will petition for two panels if there is great interest.


The Officers and Board of Directors of the College English Association invite
you to the 48th Annual Conference of the College English Association, March
30-April 1, 2017, at the Hilton Head Marriott Resort & Spa, Hilton Head
Island, South Carolina, 29928; Telephone:1 843-686-8400,

The primary conference theme for 2017 is “Islands.”

For this annual meeting we, the College English Association, ask you to
join us in exploring the idea of the island.  The Sea Pine shell ring, over
15,000 years old, once sheltered Native Americans who occupied Hilton Head
seasonally.  Gullah and Geechee culture emerged on the island as freed slaves
sought sanctuary there at the end of the Civil War.  How, then, are islands in
literature and film, as in life, places of desperate refuge and welcome
escape?  What respites do they provide? Are islands imagined utopias, or do
they offer only barriers and isolation?  Finally, is the study of composition,
film, language, literature, and writing, a kind of island amidst the tempest
of the current attack on the humanities?

Presentations by enthusiastic academics, from professor emeriti to advanced
undergraduates, are solicited in all areas of literature, language, film,
composition, pedagogy, creative, professional writing and technical writing.

Proposals may interpret the conference theme, “Islands,” broadly; for a
complete listing of suggested areas for consideration, please refer to our

CEA proposals are submitted electronically and will be accepted online at beginning August 15, 2016. Submission deadline is
November 1, 2016.

For questions related to the Program itself please contact Lynne Simpson, CEA
2017 Program Chair, at  (Please put “Program Chair”
in the Subject line.)

For questions that may arise with membership please follow the instructions on
our website, Our membership is housed at Johns Hopkins
University Press.

For general questions related to the conference, please contact Juliet
Emanuel, CEA Executive Director, at (Please put
“Executive Director” in the Subject line).

For reservations at our conference hotel, please go to the CEA 2017 dedicated
site at the Marriott:

Byron & Austen: Together Again

Read about the recent (21 April 2016) event, joint with the Jane Austen Society of North America, held amid Drew University Library’s Byron Society Collection, featuring Byronists Rachel Brownstein, Marsha Manns, and Robert Ready: (p. 8 of the PDF; reproduced below). More information here: Report on JASNA & BSA’s previous (2008) Byron-Austen event, “Byron & Austen: Together At Last,” here: (pp. 7-10 of the PDF).


The Geneva Summer – Romantic Bicentennial Symposium 2016 (Saturday, May 21 @ 10:15 am – 5:00 pm)

An event co-sponsored by the Byron Society of America and the Keats-Shelley Association of America in the Trustees Room of the New York Public Library

The summer of 1816 witnessed one of the great collaborative convergences of English literary history, as Percy Shelley, Mary Godwin, and Lord Byron met at the Villa Diodati near Geneva and produced some of the most enduring work of the Romantic era, including Frankenstein.

Speakers (including Gillen D’Arcy Wood, Jonathan Sachs, Madeleine Callaghan, Jerrold Hogle, and Anne Mellor) will discuss the Shelley-Byron relationship, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the global contexts for the Geneva Summer, including the importance of the volcanic eruption in Indonesia that produced the punctuated climate change of the “year without a summer.” The symposium will conclude with a moderated roundtable discussion of the still vital and ongoing cultural reception of the 1816 summer and its literary productions.

For more details about the program and to register (free but required), please visit the Romantic Bicentennials website:

CFP: Byron Society at MLA 2017—Byron and Consumption

Please consider submitting an abstract for the BSA’s guaranteed panel at MLA 2017 in Philadelphia. Details below and at Due Tuesday 15 March!

Byron’s relationship to “being consumed” and to consumption in its various forms. Topics may include the poet’s attitudes toward ingestion; capitalism and commodification; illness and obsession. Abstract, 250 words. by 15 March 2016; submit to Ghislaine McDayter (

Byron and Austen: Together Again (Drew University, 21 April 2016)


Please consider attending this exciting event next month. Direct questions to Dr. Robin Hammerman of Stevens Institute of Technology (


Thursday, April 21, 2016

4:00 to 9:00 P.M.

Drew University Library, in collaboration with the Jane Austen Society of North America/New York Metropolitan Region and the Byron Society of America, invites you to continue the exploration of this most elegant pairing of antipodal Romantic writers at the Drew University Library, home of the Byron Society Collection. This mini-conference will continue the conversation begun at the 2008 “Austen and Byron: Together at Last” conference held in New York City.

For both specialists and general readers of Austen and Byron, the occasion celebrates this year’s multiple focus within Romantic circles on the signal year of 1816—the year Byron’s Childe Harold III was published and Austen began writing Persuasion. From a general conversation on Persuasion to a special lecture by noted Romanticist Rachel Brownstein of Brooklyn College, this mini-conference will also radiate out to touch on conflicting forces in “The Spirit of the Age” that Austen and Byron clearly represent in the Regency years 1812-1818. Byronists and Janeites will likewise enjoy a special showcase of selected items from Drew University Library’s Byron Society Collection and items from the splendid Jane Austen Collection on loan for this occasion from Goucher College Special Collections & Archives. Specially conducted tours of the United Methodist Archives and History Center, home of Drew University Library Special Collections will complement the day’s events.

4:00-4:15 p.m. Welcome (Chris Anderson, Head of Special Collections and University Archives, and Marsha Manns, Co-Founder of the Byron Society Collection.

4:14-5:30 p.m. Discussion led by Robert Ready, Dean of the Caspersen School of Graduate Studies, on Austen’s Persuasion. Selected materials from the Byron Society Collection and the Austen collection at Goucher will be available for examination by discussion participants.

5:30-6:00 p.m. Coffee/tea/cake break and viewing of special exhibition of related materials from

Drew’s Byron Society Collection and Goucher’s Austen materials on loan for the event.

6:00-7:00 p.m. Lecture by Rachel Brownstein, Brooklyn College.

“Austen and Byron: Literary Taste and Judgment”

Rachel M. Brownstein has taught at the City University of New York since 1973. She is the author of three books: Becoming a Heroine: Reading about Women in Novels (1982),Tragic Muse: Rachel of the Comedie-Francaise (1995), and Why Jane Austen? (2011).
7:15-9:00 p.m. Substantial wine and hors d’oeuvre reception and tours of the Special Collection Library.

All events take place in the United Methodist Archives Building.

Participants may register for the entire—or selected portions—of the event.

Please visit the event webpage:

Transportation to the Drew campus for those travelling between New York/Penn Station and Madison train station via. New Jersey Transit will be provided by shuttle bus according to the following schedule:

Trains arriving to Madison from NY Penn Station will be met by shuttle bus to transport attendees to the Drew campus at 3:33 pm and at 5:35 pm. The bus to transport attendees to the Madison train station from Drew will depart at 8:30 pm for the 8:54 train to NY Penn Station.

CFP: 42nd International Byron Conference in Paris

Please consider attending the next IABS conference in Paris, 4-7 July 2016. Details below and at

In 1816, the weather in Europe was dramatically affected by ash flying high around the globe from the remote Tambora volcano in Indonesia, which had erupted the year before. That same year, Byron’s life was as troubled as the climate in Europe. After one year of restless marriage, Byron weathered a domestic storm which disrupted his life, triggered his eventual departure from England, and offered his readers, contemporary and future, a wealth of new poetic works.

Taking the opportunity presented by the bicentennial of the climatic disorders of 1816, ‘the Year without a Summer’, the 42nd international conference will explore Byron’s life and loves, from a triple viewpoint: personal, poetical, and climatic.

Proposals for papers on these and other aspects of Byron and climatic poetry are welcome.

Please send 250-word proposals to by Sunday 14 February 2016 midnight.

Individual presentations must not exceed 20 minutes in length: if you are not sure it fits in the timeslot, please, rehearse!

Please note that in order to present a paper at the conference, speakers should be current members of a national Byron Society (like the Byron Society of America!).

Byron Society Panel at MLA 2016 (Austin, TX): Byron & America

The convention is 7-10 January, 2o16, in Austin, TX. The panel will take place 12 PM to 1:15 PM on Friday, 8 January, in Room 7 of the Austin Convention Center.
Panel: # 311 Byron and America
Moderator:  Noah Comet, United States Naval Academy
1)  “Black Byronism.”  Matt Sandler, Columbia University
2)  “Byron and the Yellowstone Frontier.”  Noah Comet, US Naval Academy
3)  “Byron as Greek Ambassador—to America.”  William Keach, Brown University
4)  “Specters of Byron in 19th-century America.”  Susan Wolfson, Princeton University

New book! Publishing, Editing, and Reception: Essays in Honor of Donald H. Reiman

Publishing, Editing, and Reception: Essays in Honor of Donald H. Reiman

Edited by Michael Edson

Table of Contents:


INTRODUCTION by Michael Edson

Part 1: Romantic Publishing and Print Culture

  1. Byron’s House of Murray

Hermione de Almeida

  1. Hazlitt and Byron: With a New Look at The Liberal

Charles E. Robinson

  1. Mocking Monuments: The Regent’s Bomb, Satire, and Authority

Steven E. Jones

Part 2: New Perspectives on the Shelleys

  1.  A Defence of Poetry and Adonais: Configurations

Stuart Curran

  1. Bound by Such a Chain: Shelley and Rhyme

Michael O’Neill

  1. Reading Aloud in the Shelley Circle

Timothy Webb

Part 3: Romantic Bards and Modern Editors

  1. Indeterminacy and Method: Editing Byron’s Accidentals

Alice Levine

  1. Getting Beyond “Mere Chatter about Shelley”

David Greetham

  1.  “Editing Shelley” Again

Neil Fraistat

Part 4: Shelley’s Afterlives

  1. Lady Shelley Trims the Flame

B. C. Barker-Benfield

  1. A Committee of One: Shelley’s Preemptive Self-Censorships in the Draft Manuscripts of Laon and Cythna and Legal Censorship of the Press

Michael J. Neth

  1. Shelley as Sussex Gentleman and Wild Motorist: The Strange Case of Kipling and Prometheus Unbound

Nora Crook